Wake Me Up Asuna , (Android) BEST
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Important stuff here. Even though you can set up the alarm function on this app, Asuna tells you straight up that she may not be able to wake you up. She recommends that you use another alarm clock app just in case. Interesting. Not sure what the failure rate is. Will talk about the alarm feature testing that I did later.
Now the wake up call test. I had the app closed & running in the background (as in not closed permanently). I woke up a bit earlier than the set up time. But Asuna did wake me up. She says good morning to you & tells you to wake up. The app opens up automatically & you see her on the screen as normal. You will also see this.
If you got trash days, Asuna will remind you to take out the trash depending on what days you set up the reminders. She will only say it of you set up the schedule and when she wakes you up. Along with waking you up, she will also give you weather report and tell you your fortune. As an added bonus, if you input you birthdate, she will say happy birthday. She also refer to you with a formal title in your name like -kun or -san. 153554b96e