Berserk 1 25 Complete English Dubbed ^HOT^
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Although the first few times you play AC6, you'll probably find yourself using the biosphere for the new 3D space area, as it's easy for many players to get lined up in the grid and take on a lot of enemies. But it's only the second time you're exploring the area you actually learn to use the more useful shrines as they become more available, as well as seeing a bigger picture of the styles and fighting styles of the enemies that are there. As you level up in the biosphere and get further into the game you can actually fight and level up inside the shrines and learn "special moves" that provide some choice in combat for the player.
There are some new difficulties available, up to the level of ACE2 difficulty . The highest difficulty is the BWE difficulty level, and from what I've heard (based on a couple hours playing demo) it must be tough if anyone managed to beat it once. It's not the difficulty that keeps me from recommending this game, however, as it's much more rewarding, and the combat is so huge and entertaining that it's a complete treat.
The combat and game design go hand in hand in AC7's gameplay. The last 3D space is more of an arena where you have to slowly figure out which staff to use to beat up enemies. There are massive swarms of enemies that have various hacks to wear, and far more will be available at levels that leave the last 3D space behind, where there's just room for you to click around. There are many combo-based skill attacks, most with a very locked rhythm, and if you can learn a portion early it's fun to slowly unlock new attacks and combos through skill points. The 3D space is huge and brutal, and it all gets more exciting the higher you unlock new bosses, including the game's final boss. I was very impressed by the structure of the bosses, as many bosses and their attacks were based on the type of enemies they were fighting. It's rare in an RPG, but it made them stand out as unique enemies. d2c66b5586