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"The biggest battleground is set-top boxes," he said. "You can't see through the current owner's strategy, but there is a not insubstantial skew away from the TV to the set-top boxes. Whoever owns the ISP gets the rights to the content more or less forever. They will remain on the other device. You can't kick the TV's ISP - it is too valuable."
Mr Shareef believes that eventually - he couldn't be more specific - set-top boxes will offer all the content that a PC console does. By the time that happens the game console and the set-top box will be part of the same company. They will both be fighting it out for shares in a company that will sell both services and hardware. "It will all come to an amicable conclusion", said Mr Shareef.
"Everyone is waiting for the day when all these devices are competing for the same content," he said. "When that happens every device is worth the same price. It's an amazing thing. If you get it right you get the same content on every platform. You can't kill the smartphone because you will have to pay for the content. You can't kill the tablet because you will have to pay for the content. You can't kill the laptop because you will have to pay for the content. You are doing harm when you kill devices. You can't kill the game console before the'mature' content has been bought up. You can't kill the set-top box before it has absorbed everything that the games console can do." d2c66b5586