The Super P Force tablet is a combination drug that men with erectile dysfunction (impotence) and early ejaculation take to treat their problems.
Because there isn't enough blood flow to the penis, men with erectile dysfunction (ED) can't get or keep an erection that is hard and firm enough for sexual action.
When you take Extra Super P Force tablets, the blood vessels in your penis relax. This increases blood flow and causes an erection, which is a natural reaction to being sexually stimulated.
Super P Force tablets are also used to treat ejaculation that starts before it should and lasts for more than six months. Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual problem in men of all ages.
It means ejaculating too early with little or no sexual excitement before or right after penetration. People who ejaculate too soon don't just have one problem; it can last for a long time and cause a lot of stress and relationship problems.