Decisions, digital commerce regardless of platform or format will have much more chances of to be successful. But how to do it? The offers, a unique opportunity As we mentioned in our 5 types of customers and how to treat them correctly article , there are many people who are attracted only by offers. Exploiting this factor is not a bad idea: it helps a lot to get recurring purchases, as well as attract new customers if the offers are based on referral programs. The important thing is that this is accompanied by planning that consists of loyalty programs.
So that people come back and prefer your brand not only because of the offers, but because they really think it is the best option. Keep Taiwan phone number list reading: Customer loyalty, transform them into promoters of your brand! Beware of Dark Patterns There is something that you should take into consideration: the Dark Patterns. This concept refers to user experience strategies that seek to "deceive" people, making them accept conditions that they were not looking for (by hiding them, or not making them evident), making them buy things that they did not want (adding unsolicited products to the cart).
False urgency signals (offers that "end soon" but always have that message), among others. In Chile, SERNAC reviewed the behavior of more than 100 websites, including services and ecommerce, finding that 64% of these companies fell into these behaviors. Our recommendation: do not fall for this. Deceiving your buyers could only lead to the loss of their trust, so it is always important to think in terms of loyalty and not fall into negative attitudes. Respond to needs before they appear The time factor, as we have mentioned, is key to meeting the needs of your audience.