Only a few places left!Sorry fully booked. How exactly does live shopping work As already mentioned modern live shopping is somewhat reminiscent of the teleshopping of the s. A moderator advertises a specific product live and in front of the camera – just not on TV but on a social media platform. Ideally the sales campaign should be announced a few days in advance so that those who are interested in the company and/or the product can tune in in good time. How long the event lasts and how detailed the live shopping is of course depends on the company or the contract with the influencer who acts as a testimonial or moderator. From comparatively short spots to longer performances everything is possible here. One aspect that makes live shopping so different from classic teleshopping is interaction.
While the product is being presented viewers (if the corresponding whatsapp mobile number list function is enabled) have the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. to go directly into the relevant details and to clear up misunderstandings. By the way the personal connection to a brand can also be strengthened in this way. During live shopping (and of course afterwards) the target group has the opportunity to buy the product in question. Due to the numerous advantages (see below.
That this type of shopping brings with it many companies have already decided to sell their products in this way - not exclusively but as part of a comprehensive marketing concept . Digital Brand Manager DIM Digital brand management - your keyword Start your online certificate course Digital Brand Manager very flexibly today! Your training takes place online and no face- to-face phases are necessary; not even for the exam! What are the advantages of live shopping exactly Especially during the Corona Pandemic live shopping has ensured that contact between customers and their favorite companies or brands does not come to a complete standstill.