No Humanity 2 - Swing'Em Up !LINK!
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Being addicted to crack was a constant reminder of his drug abuse problems.[16] Turner was declared fit to stand trial, but never entered a plea or received a lawyer and failed to appear for trial in September 1979.[17] His absence was considered a failure to appear under Nevada criminal procedure, but an investigation into why he had left the U.S. failed to find any clues.[17]
In an interview with Larry King in 1988, Turner stated that he was concerned that this would lead to arrest and prison.[245] He said that by 1986, he had saved enough from getting cocaine to move to Algiers and start a new life. He had expected that if he continued using or selling drugs while hiding from the law, his narcotics use would soon lead to police detection which would lead to incarceration. Turner was told by people in New Orleans that heroin was cheaper there; he was determined to use heroin and to stop using crack. He missed the next two years dealing with his addiction due to encephalitis.[16] He has said in interviews that in 1989 while working on a cooking show in the Philippines, he shot three times and killed himself to end his life alone and free of drugs.[16]
He also said that he would not feel bad if he did die early, as he blamed himself for his death.[247] In the early 1990s, after he had fully recovered from his addiction, he began working with Luther. Although Luther encouraged him to return to the music world, Turner made himself a disclaimer on his albums of his history as a drug addict. He did not want to be infected with the same behavior he exhibited as a teenager, and he did not intend to be a role model.[16]
In 1996, Steve Taylor, the founder of the Beach Boys was diagnosed with AIDS, frequently claimed that he was innocent, and indirectly accused Michael Wilson of being the true cause of his illness at the height of the scandal, which finally broke in 1997.
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