Village is also obvious to all. The Circassians reject interracial marriage, and the social and cultural environment of Israel makes it easier to maintain this habit. Ebek mentioned that the Arabs in Israel Culture is quite different from Circassian culture in many respects, so although many Israeli Arabs and Circassian people are Islamic, there is little overlap between the two groups, and it is even less likely that they will merge or merge. Intermarriage; and the Jews of Israel also take a highly protective attitude towards the continuation of their cultural traditions, which also leads to the
Circassians being less likely to talk about telemarketing list marriage when they socialize with the Jews, because the two peoples do not want to be swayed by him. ethnic assimilation. Aibeck mentioned that there have been a few cases of interracial marriages in Kama village over the years (about 25 cases in total), and in these cases, the community will still accept these couples and urge them to adopt Circassian cultural traditions. Children are brought up; under the influence of education and environment in Kama Village, these families and children are usually gradually assimilated. Kfar_Kama_Studio_Adam Karma Village is like a paradise.
Photo Credit: Studio Adam Unlike the Samaritans, where intermarriage is more common, the Circassians reject intermarriage. In the past, in order to avoid intermarriage, the Circassians were restricted to marrying only people from different tribes, although now due to various factors There is no such mandatory rule, but when young men and women talk about marriage, they still try to prevent intermarriage between close relatives by ensuring that both families have different surnames (Note 11). It is worth mentioning that there are many elements of romance and adventure in the process of finding a partner for Circassians.